How to Download KAGSA ?

Note : Some steps contain (kagsa<=x.x.x) this symbol (<=), which means that this step is for version x.x.x and below only.

from PyPi

PyPi\pip is a service provided by Python for downloading libraries and other things. Of course, we can download KAGSA using it. We will use this simple command.

pip install kagsa

You can add == and then the version number to specify which version you want.

pip install kagsa==1.2.0

on Windows

STEP 1 : Go to Download page and download KAGSA for Windows , Copy kagsa folder to any path you want.

STEP 2 : Now add this path to environment variables :


Note : if kagsa command isn't run on your CMD, try to restart you computer

You can also make .kg files always open with kagsa.exe

on Linux

Note : Make sure you have installed python3 ( kagsa<=1.1.1 ).

STEP 1 : Go to Download page and download KAGSA for Linux, extract the zip file.


STEP 2 : Chmod the files :

chmod +x kg
chmod +x kagsa
chmod +x kagsasrc/kagsa

Note: chmod kagsasrc/kagsa ( if any )

STEP 3 : Download the Requirements ( kagsa<=1.1.1 ) :

pip download -r requirements.txt

STEP 4 : Copy kagsa, kg, kagsasrc to /usr/bin/ :

cp kg /usr/bin/
cp kagsa /usr/bin/
cp -R kagsasrc /usr/bin/
Note : if you have problem with that add sudo before cp.

STEP 5 : Run KAGSA :

~ $ kagsa
MIT License: Copyright (c) 2022 Kagsa

on Termux

Note : Make sure you have installed python3 ( kagsa<=1.1.1 ).

STEP 1 : Go to Download page and copy KAGSA for Termux file url , downlaod it with wget :


STEP 2 : Extract the zip files with unzip :


STEP 3 : Chmod files :

chmod +x kg
chmod +x kagsa
chmod +x kagsasrc/kagsa

STEP 4 : Downlaod pip requirements ( kagsa<=1.1.1 ) :

pip download -r requirements.txt

STEP 5 : copy files to /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/

cp kg /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/
cp kagsa /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/
cp -R kagsasrc /data/data/com.termux/files/usr/bin/

STEP 6 : Try to run kagsa with kagsa or kg :

If you get an error like this ( in kagsa<=1.1.1 ).

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pkg_resources'
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sly'

You will need to download the requirements individually for each one, you can find them in requirements.txt, for example : to install sly==0.4:

pip install sly==0.4

Don't forget to install setuptools.

pip install setuptools

on MacOS

STEP 1 : Go to Download page and download KAGSA for MacOS, extract the zip file.


STEP 2 : Chmod the files :

chmod +x kg
chmod +x kagsa
chmod +x kagsasrc/kagsa

STEP 4 : Copy kagsa, kg, kagsasrc to /usr/local/bin/ :

cp kg /usr/local/bin/
cp kagsa /usr/local/bin/
cp -R kagsasrc /usr/local/bin/

STEP 5 : Run KAGSA :

~ $ kagsa
MIT License: Copyright (c) 2022 Kagsa

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