Integer-Float in KAGSA

integer : a number data saved in var or else.
float : it just a float :) .


var my_age_int = 1000;
write my_age_int + 500
// 1500

var my_age_float = 1000.5
write my_age_float + 0.5
// 1001

Arithmetic Operators

we have to learn how to use math in kagsa, right?
Plus : +
Minus : -
Times : *
Divide : /
Power : **
Remainder of Division : %

Examples :

var a = 5;
var b = 2.5

write a + b
// 7.5

write a - b
// 2.5

write a * b
// 12.5

write a / b
// 2

write a ** 2
// 25

write a % b
// 0


Methods is a group of functions that help you to edit in any variable.

var num = 55;
  • toStr( ) : change from int\float to str
write toStr(num)
// output : 55
  • toFloat( ) : change from int\str to float
write toFloat(num)
// output : 55.0
  • toInt( ) : change from str\float to int
write toInt('453')
// output : 453

Assingment Operators

lets take a example that we have a variable named num and equal 5 how we add 5 on it ? you have to do this

var num = num+5

just a joke, you can use this short way :


you can use - , / , * , ** , % also

KAGSA Programming Language -

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