Loops in KAGSA

Loops is the process of repeating a block of codes with a specified number or an infinite number, we have 3 types of loop :


This type of loop is used to read a dict, a list, etc.

Example :

var list_var = list(45245,454,5554,45,2345,43)
for ii -> list_var{
    write ii,nl
// every time the codes is run ii will have another value
// in first time the ii value will be 45245
// in second time the ii value will be 454
// until end

and dict :

var dict_var = dict(name='zaky',age=100)
for ii -> keys(dict_var){
    write 'key :',ii,'  value :',get(dict_var,ii),nl
// every time the codes is run ii will have another value
// in first time the ii value will be "name"
// in second time the ii value will be "age"

and you can use it on string , that will read every letter inside string

ok, now something wow, nlist() function :

for dd -> nlist(10,zero=false) {
    write "Count : %{dd}\n"


This type of loop reads the condition and if it is real, it will continue to iterate
it works like the conditions word (if)

Example :

var num = 0;
while num < 11 {
    write num , nl

this with print numbers from 0 to 10


Jump loop is same like while, but jump just take you to another line


int i = 0
if i == 5 { write "Now 'i' = 5" ; System.exit(1) }
jump 2


break is not a type of loop but its a keyword that used to stop loop

Example :

var n = 0
while true {
    write n
    if n == 10 {
        break // if the variable equal 10 stop the loop


this is not a type of loop but its a keyword to make skip for current loop

Example :

for i -> nlist(10,zero=false)
    if i == 5 { continue }
    write i

this must print all number from 1 to 10 but do skip for 5.

KAGSA Programming Language - www.kagsa.org

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